Converse Professor on Monday's Statewide
Dr. Tom McDaniel will be the featured guest on the Monday (Oct. 29) edition of "Speaking of Schools." The SC Educational Television-produced program airs statewide from 6:30-7 p.m. on NPR …
Dr. Tom McDaniel will be the featured guest on the Monday (Oct. 29) edition of "Speaking of Schools." The SC Educational Television-produced program airs statewide from 6:30-7 p.m. on NPR …
Dr. Jeffrey R. Willis of Converse College was presented with one of two Governor’s Awards in the Humanities during an October 31 luncheon at the South Carolina State museum. Former …
Converse College art professors Teresa Prater and Andrew Blanchard will join forces and talents for an exhibition sponsored by Spartanburg’s Hub-Bub organization. Entitled “Aberration & Appropriation,” the exhibit will run …
Faculty Accomplishments Sam Howie (English) recently had a short story accepted by Midway Journal. Kevin DeLapp (Religion & Philosophy) received a summer Research Grant for research on dispositional moral properties, …
Converse President Betsy Fleming unveiled a strategic vision for the future of the college during Opening Convocation today (Sept. 11) in Twichell Auditorium. The vision, which is responsive to changing …
Wofford College will embrace “A Green Season” on Wednesday, Sept. 19, with a formal acceptance ceremony of the sculpture by local artist Mayo Mac Boggs. The ceremony will be held …
The National Childbloom Company has named Michael Miller as its Director of the Year for 2006. Miller directs the Childbloom program at Converse College, and is a resident of Pauline, …
Word Press has recently released Rick Mulkey’s latest book of poetry, “Toward Any Darkness.” The 80-page tome is his fourth book of poetry, and is available through bookstores or at …
Converse Athletic Director Joy Couch was inducted into the South Carolina Athletic Coaches Association Hall of Fame July 22 at the Charleston Area Convention Center. She was nominated for the …